The seashore offers artists exciting contrasts. Crashing waves batter smooth sands. Warm-toned beaches meet icy green and blue water. Winds create foamy white caps that break up glassy seas.

Like the prairie, the sea offers large vistas and dramatic horizon lines, but several of the artists in this exhibition have chosen unique perspectives. More abstract views of the ocean define the work of Scottish artist William John James Brown and French-born Mexican artist Pedro Pablo Preux. Former Manhattanite Lydia Asenata’s Under the Sea and Diane Balsley’s Tropiquarical take the viewer under the waves.

This exhibition, planned in conjunction with the American Library Association’s 2022 summer reading theme “Oceans of Possibility,” sets the theme for the museum’s weekly summer art programs, tours, and gallery activities.

Sydney Halward (Coy Avon Seward) born 1884, Chase, Kansas | died 1939, Wichita, Kansas
Title unknown (swimmers and sunbathers), ca. 1937
Friends of the Beach Museum of Art purchase, 2005.317

Charles Merrick Capps — born 1898, Jacksonville, Illinois | died 1981, Wichita, Kansas
Coastline, 1956
Friends of the Beach Museum of Art purchase, 2007.62

Richard Florsheim — born 1916, Chicago, Illinois | died 1979, Chicago, Illinois
Sea Light, published 1970

Jerod Morris — born 1972, Somerville, New Jersey
Wave, 2001
Glazed stoneware
Gift of Jim, Angele, Luke, & Julia Johnson, in memory of Jeaneane Berryhill Johnson, 2004.308

Raymond J. Eastwood — born 1898, Bridgeport, Connecticut | died 1987, Lawrence, Kansas
Little Dunes, 1938
Oil on canvas
Gift of Pauline Brown Pfuetze (Virgil & Pauline Brown Collection), 1996.33

Charles B. Rogers — born 1911, Great Bend, Kansas | died 1987, Ellsworth, Kansas
Sunlit Evening, ca. 1960
Oil on hardboard
Gift of Pauline Brown Pfuetze (Virgil & Pauline Brown Collection), 1996.39

Lester Joseph Chaney — born 1907, Zala, Naga, Hungary | died 1998, New Lennox, Illinois
Sea Scape, Bangor, Maine, ca. 1935
Oil on canvas
Gift of Mary Louise and Joseph Hyer, 1992.3

Virginia Cartwright — born 1943, Los Angeles, California
Title unknown (cup with swirls of color), 20th century
Glazed stoneware
Gift of Jim, Angele, Luke, & Julia Johnson in memory of Jeaneane Berryhill Johnson, 2004.222

Jeff Aeling — born 1958, Iowa City, Iowa
Untitled, 2007
Oil on canvas
Friends of the Beach Museum of Art purchase, 2008.15

Jacob Kainen — born 1909, Waterbury, Connecticut | died 2001, Chevy Chase, Maryland 
Sea Span, 1978
Gift of the Jacob Kainen Trust, 2016.50

Diane Balsey — born 1953, Columbus, Ohio
Tropiquarial, 1982

Pedro Pablo Preux — born 1932, Paris, France | died 2011, Mexico City, Mexico
La Ola Verde, 1967

Lydia V. Aseneta — born 1925, Manila, Philippines | died 2021, Downey, California
Under the Sea, 20th century
Gift of Lydia V. Aseneta, 2009.181

Maurice Bebb — born 1891, Chicago, Illinois | died 1986, Muskogee, Oklahoma
Great Black-Backed Gull, 1965
Three-plate aquatint and softground etching
Gift of the Maurice R. Bebb family, 2018.357

Roy Clinton Langford — born 1903, Cherokee, Kansas | died 1990, Manhattan, Kansas
The Derelict, 1972
Watercolor on illustration board

John Lin
Title unknown (seascape), 20th century
Oil on canvas
Gift of Milan & Judith Zivanovic, U3.2000

William (Bill) James John Brown — born 1951, Shetland Islands, Scotland | died 2020, Shetland Islands, Scotland
Waves, 1999
Earthenware and underglaze print
Gift of the artist, 2015.114

Coy Avon Seward

Born 1884, Chase, Kansas
Died 1939, Wichita, Kansas

Title unknown (swimmers and sunbathers), ca. 1937


Friends of the Beach Museum of Art purchase, 2005.317